I grew up with a brother and no sisters, God bless my mother, so I never really experienced what it was like to live with girls until I had two of my own. Here is my list of the Top 10 reasons having two daughters is cool.
10. Getting in touch with my feminine side
I know what some of you guys are thinking, What is a feminine side? Well, I am a big, sloppy guy and sometimes we all need to to learn how to deal with things with a little more brain and a little less brawn.
9. Learning how to fix hair
Well my wife is a stylist so I don't have to deal with this as much as some fathers do. But being able to just pull up a simple pony-tail can be a valuable talent when you're in a hurry.
8. New experiences and interests
My oldest daughter is in dance and gymnastics classes and she's only 3 years old. It is very impressive to see the talent that some of these girls have, including my own little girl. These are not activities that a typical little boy is in to.
7. Opportunities to act silly
With little boys you can just throw a ball at them or wrestle with them on the floor and they are completely occupied. Little girls invite you to tea parties, singing competitions in their room, and cheer leading try-outs outside. My little girl serves a mean cup of air.
6. Date night
I know my girls are very young, but I hope to instill some manners and social consciousness in them at an early age. Besides, how else could they get in those PG-13 movies. = p
5. Teach them how bad boys are
I hope I have many years to go before I have to worry about boys. But who better than me to teach my girls about how YUCKY! boys are.
4. Learn more about women
I know absolutely nothing about women. Watching my girls grow up might finally give me a little insight on how to deal with the opposite sex.
3. Easier to potty-train
There are those of you out there who will probably debate this, but it only took us 2 months to get our first daughter completely potty-trained.
2. First word is "Da-Da"
Both of my girls said 'da-da' before anything else. My wife says it's just an easier sound to make, but I know who they love more.
Little girls are just SO much sweeter than little boys. And eventually boys get tired of that mushy stuff.
On my next post I will give you my Top 10 reasons why have two daughters is NOT COOL. Now don't get upset with me, I love my girls. There are just some things that fathers fear and I'll share them with you next time.
Amateur Van Wyk 1 off Vilips lead in Puerto Rico
2 hours ago
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