Harlee, my 3-year-old, loves to interrupt an adult conversation with some profound statement about the grass being green or a new dance move she learned. I try to let her voice her thoughts freely, while at the same time expressing the rudeness of disrupting someone who is speaking. Brinlee is just now entering the speech-growth stage of life, mostly using her voice to say "da-da", followed by a fat-cheeked raspberry. I have made every attempt to use a calming voice while conversing with my daughters, but also speaking to them in an intelligent manner. I can have a very "grown-up" discussion with Harlee, even though some dialogue needs defining.
I ran across an article on Yahoo! News about talking to your children that claims the interaction between child and parent is just as important to speech development as the adults input alone. Basically, Talk TO Your Child, Not AT Them.
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