Ahh...the Great Outdoors. What better way to test the bonds of family than to throw your parents, your wife, two young kids, and a dog into a 22 ft camper and take away all of life's comforts for three days of national park sightseeing. I must admit the girls really enjoyed playing around in Papaw and Mamaw's "small house", going down to the playground, playing in the creek, and driving around at dusk to look for deer. For the adults it is an opportunity to escape the daily stress of reality, sit around the campfire and talk, and enjoy some bonding time over funny stories and smores. (I love smores!)
Melissa and I also brought Belle along to finally introduce her to the family. This would be the deciding factor on whether or not she would be a permanent addition to our clan. If the girls liked her and weren't scared of her, we would keep her. If not, we would have to find her a good home. Well the girls absolutely went crazy over Belle. Harlee was a little timid at first since Belle is almost as tall as her, but she finally gave in to the "Big Sweetie" (that's what I call her).

If you really want to have a good "Family Time" experience GO CAMPING!!!!

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